Interview with unbeaten heavyweight prospect, Lateef "Power" Kayode




My Special thanks to promoter Steven Feder for making this interview possible. Kayode had a successful amateur career, including winning a medal at the All African games, Commonwealth games and more. Kayode recently turned professional and is now being trained by former fighter Young Dick Tiger in Hollywood, California. His second professional fight is scheduled for September 5, at the Montibello in California.


Here is what the heavyweight prospect had to say....
A: Please, tell us your amateur background?
Q: I had a great amateur career in Africa, I won many titles from All African game to Commonwealth and more. I fought a guy from Morocco who beat me at first then I knocked him out the second time.
A: Tell us about your professional debut in USA?
Q: It was a good fight for me. I was sick before the fight but I knew I was in good shape to beat that guy. I won 4 rounds by decision. My fight today will not go to distance. I'm in good shape for this fight.
A: What do you know about your opponent today Mike Finney?
Q: I don't know anything about him. I don't care what he brings on.
A: Your impression of Samuel Peter, who is from your country also?
Q: He's a good fighter, I respect him but I'm on a mission to achieve my dreams also. If he can be a world champion. I can too. It's just a matter of time.
A: How did you get into boxing first time?
Q: People use to intimidate me on the streets so, I got tried of it and decide to go to National stadium to train. I started to like it and I was winning my fights so my parents started to support me.
A: What do you want to achieve in Boxing?
Q: I love boxing and boxing loves me, so I will do anything to become a world champion and I know God is on my side. I know I can do it. I want that WBC belt.


Editor Notes: Lateef "Power" Kayode scored a 2nd round knockout over Mike Finney at the  Montibello, California the next day after this interview, his record stands at 2, 0 0.


Promoter Comments: I can say about Lateef's performance is that he fights with the focus of a hunter lining up his prey in the cross-hairs, the heart of a hundred lions, with the speed of a thousand jaguars. He has that rare combination of God given talent and the ability and determination to improve on it every time he steps in the ring. I truly believe he will one day be the equivalent of the triple crowned thoroughbred of boxing.




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