Write for FightKings.Com FightKings.Com is looking for writers to expand our coverage of boxing events. We are actively searching for correspondents in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, New York, and the continent of Europe. We are also looking for feature writers to write selectively about their favorite weight division. We can provide you with contacts for interviews with fighters, match makers, promoters, and occasionally press access to selected boxing events. If you are interested in writing feature stories about boxing, but have little experience, and you cannot get a network to air your very important viewpoints, come to FightKings.Com. Please send us at least three sample stories on boxing along with your profile to us today by emailing the Editor@fightkings.com. WebMaster Wanted FightKings.Com is looking for a webmaster who will be responsible for designing and updating the site. You will also be responsible for maintaining our chat room. Contact the Webmaster@FightKings.Com Photographers Wanted Must have own equipment. Must me able to convert pictures, video, or live coverage into customizable clips for short feature films. We can provide you with ringside access to boxing event. Please contact the Admin@fightkings.com |